while deaths FROM covid remains essentially level in Denmark as cases plummet Lifted legal restrictions 1st November https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1493465973952757760 https://inews.co.uk/news/science/why-denmarks-covid-deaths-hospitalisations-going-up-lifts-pandemic-restrictions-1478566 Mortality due to COVID-19 in Denmark is not increasing as much as are case numbers https://en.ssi.dk/news/news/2022/mortality-due-to-covid-19-in-denmark-is-not-increasing-as-much-as-are-case-numbers The Omicron variant has led to an increasing proportion of deaths “with” COVID-19 rather than deaths “due to” COVID-19 Number of people dying within 30 days of a positive Covid test SSI compared those numbers to death certificates 90% in agreement Omicron wave Many had virus all at once Much lower death rate 90% down to 30% dying from the virus US https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_dailydeaths Covid symptom tracker https://covid.joinzoe.com UK current data https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk ONS https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/articles/coronaviruscovid19/latestinsights UK Prevalence, week ending 19 February 3.84% in England (1 in 25 people,) 3.23% in Wales (1 in 30 people) 7.23% in Northern Ireland (1 in 14 people) 4.57% in Scotland (1 in 20 people) Long covid, as of 2 January 2022 1.3 million people 2.1% of the population Of those reporting long COVID symptoms 42% were experiencing these symptoms for at least a year Symptoms adversely affected the day-to-day activities of 63%) of those with self-reported long COVID.  Fatigue (50%) Shortness of breath (37%) Loss of smell (37%) Loss of taste (28%) Prevalence of LC Long COVID more common aged 35 to 69 years Females People living in more deprived areas Those working in health or social care or teaching and education People with another health condition or disability.  Long covid in primary school children 1.0% met all the criteria for long COVID at some point since March 2020. 20.0% had a positive COVID-19 test of any kind since March 2020 Secondary school pupils 2.7% met all the criteria for long COVID at some point since March 2020. FDA tweet on chocolate https://twitter.com/us_fda/status/1471465303863349256?lang=en-GB https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/allergic-milk-some-dark-chocolate-labeled-dairy-free-may-still-contain-milk